The Story of Tea (Serbia) Dah Teatar in association with Chopin Theatre

From Serbia,  DAH Teatar  performance uses Chekhov's "Three Sisters" as a frame to explore the meaning of memory in relation to truth, especially harsh truth.  What happens when, for example, the truth about the abduction of people on a train, during the wars in The Balkans, is recognized? What are the implications of information that we get through media, information that is not properly or humanely treated? 

$20/$10 (students/seniors). 

Tickets available on Oct 20th or reserved in advance 773.278.1500

10/20/10 - 10/20/10


This performance by  DAH Teatar uses the Chekhov’s 'Three Sisters as a frame to hold different stories and topics  together. The central theme of the play – represented by a train that will eventually take the sisters to their  dream place, Moscow, and the Chekhovian narrative of missed opportunities and lost chances – has inspired and provoked several important issues with which DAH Theatre’s version of Three Sisters  is dealing. Trains and missed opportunities lead to missing people, missing languages and missing truths. This performance explores the meaning of memory in relation to truth, especially harsh truth.

The questions raised in the show are not about hidden truths, but rather about how we treat harsh truth. What happens when, for example, the truth about the abduction of people on a train, during the wars in The Balkans, is recognized? What are the implications of information that we get through media, information that is not properly or humanely treated?

What is the role of memory? What are the forms of amnesia in our time and how do we create rituals anamnesis? By extension, of course, we are asked to consider how our own country’s truths are being concealed, and by whom?

$20/$10 (students/seniors).  Tickets available on Oct 20th or reserved in advance 773.278.1500

Anton Chekhov with translation by Sanja Krsmanovic Tasic

Direction and Dramaturgy - Dijana Miloševic

Jugoslav Hadžic, Aleksandra Jelic, Sanja Krsmanovic-Tasic, Maja Mitic

Music - Aleksandra Damnjanovic, Nebojša Ignjatovic, Jugoslav Hadžic; Set Design - Neša Paripovic; Costume Design - Milena Ristic; Light Design - Radomir Stamenkovic; Objects by Nikola Tasic- ARBOS; Translation - Sanja Krsmanovic Tasic; Organization - Elizabeta Kurela, Suzana Tasic Anovic

Tags: Theater, New Europe, 2010