I-Fest 2006:
Mojtina Jurcer, Slovenia

Chopin Productions

I-Fest 2006 is the second annual festival of international solo performances celebrating individuality.

Hamlet/Dreams - Hamlet. Alone. Without words. His inner reality turned outward. The story is the swirl in Hamlet's head.

11/2/06 - 11/12/06


Hamlet/Dreams - Hamlet. Alone. Without words. His inner reality turned outward. The story is the swirl in Hamlet's head.

Mojtina Jurcer, Actor, Author and Co-Founder
Saso Jurcer, Director and Co-Founder Inner World Theater was founded in 2001 by Mojtina and Saso Jurcer. It is based on observation of contemporary life in which "drama" does not take actions in person's external space, but in person's internal time. Acting is therefore not articulated as spontaneous action related to the exterior world, but as revealing actions and impulses arising from person's inner world. The actor's body is liberated from the physical confines of space and connected only to the "movements" of (internal) time.

The Jurcers have trained at the Theatre Academy (AGRFT - University in Ljubljana). Saso established in 1991 his Art Theatre and attracted leading Slovene actors to collaborate on the conception of "Modern Trilogy 1900". It was based on theatre classic drama pieces A DREAM PLAY, TO DAMASCUS by August Strindberg and experimental production of Tschekhov's THREE SISTERS named "1901-1991". TO DAMASCUS was the crown-project of Art Theatre and after nine months rehearsal period it became a cult performance of Slovene theatre in the 1990s.

Saso Jurcer

Saso Jurcer

Mojtina Jurcer

Chopin Productions

Tags: Festival, New Europe, 2006